A journey of shared and true interactions is like an encounter between two co-authors. It is a relationship that co-emerges and co-exists through empathy and honesty.

At home

You are a learner or a parent, you need to :

  • improve your powers of attention and memorisation,
  • better understand and reflect,
  • believe in yourself and your potential, and learning is your objective?
  • some support on your child's learning journey to enable him/her to reach his/her academic objectives and to fulfil his/her potential.


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A coach: a guide "Be strong, not wrong"


You are stuck in your learning journey...

You are starting it again...

You need to help someone learn...

You have had some trainings but need a closer "follow up" to learn more efficiently or you need to be guided in some more personal quests, this coaching is for you.

Don’t wait, book a date!


Possible outcomes?

Through questioning (Pedagogical Dialogues), learners will discover their own tools and effective strategies to create their own learning experiences: coaching is to facilitate self-reflection - to find out more about behaviour and emotional states, - to move forward toward academic success, - to learn about attention, - to understand and reflect - to memorise...

HOW ?: Gestion mentale, the 4Colors/Fun&fficient, Positive Psychology, Brain based coaching & Academic coaching

WHO ?: Adults and Students (10 years old minimum)

Languages: French and English

Duration : depends on the needs

Possible outcomes?

Learning how to learn with the brain in mind


Academic coaching for Adults, Adolescents and Children



NUMBER : 1 learner (10 years old minimum) 

Initial consultation : Setting up the right coaching relationship, establishing trust, managing expectations, inspiring and setting up clear expectations.

FOR CHILDREN (from 10 year old upwards) :

7 Steps to start a successfull academic coaching journey:

  • Step 1: Send me an email, a message or call me.
  • Step 2: Set up an initial interview with me.
  • Step 3: Talk with your child about the initial interview: We will discover together what their strengths are and areas of development to explore. Coaching is done though a set of questions and experiences: a lot of inter-actions.
  • Step 4: : The initial interview for children: parents can attend the first 30 minutes of the Initial Interview with their child in order to implement a common language.  Then, it is best if the coach and coachee meet one to one without the parents to give the child the chance to experience what it will be like to work with a coach.
  • Step 5: Discussion parents-coachee about the initial interview and make a decision together. Talking immediately after the Initial interview while everything is still fresh is recommended so that a decision can be made together.
  • Step 6: Set up a time to talk to the coach to get some insights from the initial interview. The idea here is to understand how best address the challenges that he/she is facing as well as a plan to help parents and children achieve the best outcome.
  • Step 7: Start the coaching session.

An agreement will be sent before the start of the first session.

FOR ADULTS and ADOLESCENTS : Send me a message and I will be happy to exchange with you.

Watch this video if you struggle with #homeschooling
"Be BrainWise!" by an 8 year old boy